The Nigeria Investment Guide

The Nigeria Investment Guide

The Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce - The Nigeria Investment Guide
Latest News & Updates January 31, 2020

Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) and its partner, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) have published a Nigeria-Investment-Guide-Jan-2020. The Guide was launched at the UK Africa Investment Summit held earlier in January in the UK. It contains useful information on Nigeria as a compelling destination for any investor seeking to participate in the economic potential that the African continent represents.

The Guide contains information on the Nigerian economy and showcases several brands, businesses, and public-private partnership (PPP) investments and opportunities in Nigeria.

The guide also includes information on Nigeria’s trade and investment landscape, requirements for establishing a business in Nigeria, and sample costs of operating in Nigeria. Investors will also find the sections of taxes and incentives very informative.

In her forward to the guide, NIPC’s Executive Secretary, Ms Yewande Sadiku, stated that it was a high-level document created to assist prospective investors to understand Nigeria’s economic opportunities noting that detailed guidance on specific industries and market sectors in Nigeria is available from NIPC website. Several sector guides are already available on the NIPC website as part of a growing collection.

While the edition of the guide is focused on prospective investors from the United Kingdom, it is useful for all foreign investors seeking insight about doing business in Nigeria. The Nigeria Investment Guide is a complementary addition to the iGuide Nigeria.

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