The WTO has issued a call for candidates for the 2021 Young Professionals Programme (YPP). Candidates up to the age of 32, as of 1 January 2021, from eligible developing and least-developed countries are invited to submit their application by 29 May 2020. The selected candidates will work at the WTO Secretariat for one year, starting in January 2021.
Launched in 2016, the YPP has attracted over 40 young professionals from countries that are under-represented in the WTO Secretariat. The Programme demonstrates the WTO's efforts to increase diversity and broaden the representation of its membership.
In 2020, the programme consists of 12 young professionals from the following countries: Albania, Bahrain, Cuba, Dominica, Fiji, Guyana, Israel, Lesotho, Mali, Mozambique, North Macedonia and Singapore. They were selected from more than 1,200 candidates from all over the world following a highly competitive selection process. More about these young professionals is available here.
The YPP provides a unique opportunity for qualified young professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills on WTO and international trade issues. The selected young professionals are allocated to various divisions of the WTO Secretariat based on their qualifications and the needs of the division. The areas of work may include accessions, agriculture, dispute settlement, intellectual property rights, government procurement, competition policy, market access, rules, trade and development, trade and environment, trade in services and investment, trade facilitation, trade policy analysis and trade-related technical assistance.Applicants interested in the YPP programme will find further details on a dedicated information page. Candidates must be from developing and least-developed countries that are members of the WTO and under-represented in the WTO Secretariat. The online application form can be accessed on the WTO e-Recruitment website and should be completed no later than 29 May 2020